Monday, October 11, 2010

Guess who's making a come back? ISKRAMBOL!

So, after couple of weeks of not blogging, I come out now with new stuff. New stuff?! This one actually is nothing new to Filipino food culture. I mean, this stuff is making a comeback to fill our mouths. I'm talking about Iskrambol (Ice Cramble). It's actually a frosty shaved ice with condensed and powdered milk and chocolate syrup. Yum!

Talking about It's comeback. I saw lots of franchise about this Favorite Filipino over the past weeks. Saw it around the Metro in malls, along major streets. Well, From the cart-thing to a more innovative and more delicious stuff.

And the good thing, is that you can now customize your own Iskrambol. Now, the simple frosty iskrambol can be more delicious by adding up your favorite Ice Cream flavor or put your own toppings (say pinipig, chocolate kisses, vermicellis).

To end this up, Try walking along streets and you'll see what I'm saying. Sarap ng Iskrambol! :)

*Photos courtesy by