Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tweeting sessions with Shawn Yao

Shawn Yao, one of the household names nowadays with her appeal and her beautiful face. I always see her doing news stint with News 5's SAPUL!. Well, she got it, but having some piece of bonding with her on TWITTER is nothing ordinary. Extraordinary actually. She's one of the reason why I love tweeting. (haha.). Below are just some of exchange of tweets between us. She not just complete my morning but my twitter world. Well, I'm not obsessed, I just admire her.



  1. hi ms,shawn yao! good job i really like u when u hosting in morning program sapul! keep up tha good work!plz greet me if u have tym! peace en godbless! im billabong honrado from san juan city!

  2. Hi billabong! thanks for commenting on this blog page. But I think you commented on the wrong page. I featured her here as my constant twitter friend. On behalf, of Ms. Shawn Yao, thanks for watching her on Sapul! :)
