Monday, March 29, 2010

The Reason Why I got Skinhead

I got l0ts of feedbacks, c0mments, tweets, either positive or negative ab0ut my new haircut. And i h0nestly screwed up with th0se reacti0ns.
Some said i looked h0t, s0me said i looked like a d0rk and other's said n0thing's changed.
And yet y'all guys d0n't kn0w the reas0n why i got skinhead.

H0nestly, i have n0thing to explain because i'm enjoying this kind of haircut. But since you guys are asking, then i'll answer.

So, i lied when i told you that my hair's getting wavy that's why i got skinhead. FYI: my hair's wavy since i was b0rn... S0rry ab0ut that!

Anyways, my father always practices his sacrifice or "panata" every Good Friday by walking baref0oted fr0m our h0use to the church near Grotto Vista to repent f0r his sins. So, here's the thing...

I actually already had a skinhead look same time, summer last year. I was thinking what to do on Good Friday as "panata". So instead of d0ing t0ugh acts like other people do during h0ly week, i decided to just get a skinhead and to try s0mething diffrent. At least i've already made a "panata" with0ut harming myself.

And one m0re thing, it's summer! What do you expect?! It's way better than to gr0w my hair and look silly...

So, this year, i just did it in advance of the h0ly week.

Hope i have clarified you guys ab0ut this.

I didn't get skinhead because i'm broken-hearted, it's just f0r lenten purposes!

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