Sunday, April 4, 2010

I will miss my FB and TWITTER world, f0r sure!

To all my bel0ved FB friends and TWITTER f0ll0wers:

Effective tom0rr0w, April 5, I'll be busy reviewing my less0ns f0r the next 2 m0nths in preparati0n for the pre-board next semester.

I want to pass that pre-board so i'll be putting my social sites(FB and TWITTER) a bit low.

I will definitely miss you guys but av0iding these temptati0ns will help me make the cut. Just sacrifice and discipline are the keys.

I just do hope this sacrifice will s0on pay off bigtime.

My ph0ne number's posted on my inf0 page. Just text or call me if you need s0mething.

Wish me well through prayers. These will be a big help f0r me...


I will miss my FB and TWITTER world, f0r sure!

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